Registration pre-master Orthodox Christianity 2024-2025
It is still possible to register for the pre-master Orthodox Christianity for the academic year
It is still possible to register for the pre-master Orthodox Christianity for the academic year
On October 21st, 2023, father John Behr held a lecture in the Coptic church in
Study day Orthodox prison chaplains On October 3rd, 2023, the rector of St Ireneaus, Fr
If you are interested in any of these options, visit this page on alternative education.
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We capitalise the word ‘Orthodox’ when referring to one of the main traditions within Christianity (Orthodox, Roman-catholic and Protestant), in order to distinguish between this meaning of the word and the adjective ‘orthodox’ which may refer to particular groups within Protestantism, Judaism or Islam. The adjective ‘orthodox’ is often associated with conservatism. Orthodox Christians regard themselves as traditional, but not necessarily as conservative.
Eastern Orthodoxy consists of several autocephalous (self-governing) churches.
The Oriental Orthodox family is comprised of the Ethiopian, Coptic, Armenian, Syrian, Indian and Eritrean Churches.
The Orthodoxe Zendende Instantie (OZI) was established as the official Orthodox body responsible for the endorsement of Orthodox chaplains in The Netherlands on 16 December 2018.