“Oriental” Traditions

The Oriental Orthodox family is comprised of the Ethiopian, Coptic, Armenian, Syrian, Indian and Eritrean Churches. Historically they have been referred to as non- or anti- or pre-Chalcedonian, Monophysite, Ancient Oriental or Lesser Eastern. Presently the generally accepted name is Oriental Orthodox. The majority of the members of these churches live in Ethiopia, Egypt, Eritrea, Armenia, India, Syria and Lebanon. There are also large diaspora communities in parts of the Middle East, Europe, Asia, North and South America, and Australia. The Oriental Orthodox churches are ancient churches which were founded in apostolic times, by apostles or by the apostles’ earliest disciples. (Source: https://www.oikoumene.org/church-families/orthodox-churches-oriental)

Bron: https://www.oikoumene.org/church-families/orthodox-churches-oriental

The St Irenaeus Orthodox Theological Institute

The St Irenaeus Orthodox Theological Institute is the successor of ACOT (Amsterdam Centre for Orthodox Theology), providing educational programmes at an academic level and courses and lectures for those interested in Orthodoxy.