
The Pre-Master programme provides students with a solid foundation in Orthodox Christianity at an academic level. Subjects such as History, the Orthodox approach to the Scriptures, Liturgy, Church Fathers (Theology) and Anthropology are all part of the curriculum. The Pre-Master programme, upon completion, allows students to continue their studies at a Master‘s level. 

The entry requirements are a Bachelor’s degree, which may be in a subject other than theology, from a regular Dutch university, a Dutch university of applied sciences (HBO) or an equivalent foreign degree and general familiarity with the Bible.

In the first year of the Pre-Master we will study the rudiments of Orthodox history, the reading of Scripture, theology, liturgy and spirituality. In the second year we will deepen and broaden the students’ knowledge of these subjects and engage with contemporary issues.

We use the innovative ‘blended learning’ format, which allows students to participate almost entirely online. Each course consists of eight study weeks, during the last of which students write the final paper for that specific course. During the preceding seven weeks students study reading material and video’s set by the course lecturer, participate in an online meeting (virtual classroom) and answer questions in writing. Each course is completed by a live meeting at Radboud University, during which students will present their final papers. This form of teaching allows students great flexibility and minimizes travel time.

The Pre-Master is a 2-year programme consisting of 60 EC’s: 


Registration interest in Pre-Master Orthodox Christianity

The St Irenaeus Orthodox Theological Institute

The St Irenaeus Orthodox Theological Institute is the successor of ACOT (Amsterdam Centre for Orthodox Theology), providing educational programmes at an academic level and courses and lectures for those interested in Orthodoxy.