Monastic ordination Father Joan Lena

On March 30th, our staff member Father Joan Lena was ordained to monastic orders in the monastery of the Nativity of Saint John the Forerunner in The Hague. Metropolitan Athenagoras performed the tonsure, which was followed by a festive Divine Liturgy (Eucharist) and a communal meal. Clergy and faithful from all over the country came […]

Registration pre-master Orthodox Christianity 2024-2025

It is still possible to register for the pre-master Orthodox Christianity for the academic year 2024-2025. This programme is part-time and takes two years. The deadline for registration is July 1st, 2024. To register, please contact our institute by filling out the form at the bottom of this page. You will then receive information about […]

Video Father John Behr: The Great Mystery: We Shall All Be Changed

On October 21st, 2023, father John Behr held a lecture in the Coptic church in Amsterdam, entitled The Great Mystery: We Shall All Be Changed (1 Cor 15:51): “After speaking about death and resurrection in his first letter to the Corinthians, the Apostle changes voice to proclaim the mystery: we shall not all sleep, but […]

Study day Orthodox prison chaplains

Study day Orthodox prison chaplains On October 3rd, 2023, the rector of St Ireneaus, Fr Micheal Bakker gave a day of training to the team of Orthodox prison chaplains in The Netherlands. They have been providing pastoral care to detainees and holding Orthodox church services in Dutch prisons for over ten years. The  team saw […]

New office manager St Irenaeus

St Irenaeus has recently changed office managers: Menna Rempt has taken over the management of, among other things, the email, the social media and the website from Nino van Gelderen. We want to thank Nino for all her hard work, and want to welcome Menna to the institute!

Start academic year 2023-2024

On September 4th students starting the Pre-Master programme Orthodox Christianity or a Minor in Orthodox Christianity, gathered for the first time in Nijmegen to get to know each other and the lecturers of our institute. They also acquainted themselves with the university campus and the online platform Brightspace, which will be an important tool during the entire programme. […]

Lecture by Father John Behr on Saturday the 21st of October

On Saturday the 21st of October, Fr John Behr delivered a lecture in the Coptic church in Amsterdam, the title of which was We shall all be changed (1 Cor 15:51): “After speaking about death and resurrection in his first letter to the Corinthians, the Apostle changes voice to proclaim the mystery: we shall not […]

Student presentations and lecture by Father John Behr on 20 January

Een groep studenten en docenten gezamenlijk aan tafel

On Friday afternoon the 20th of January, Pre-Master and Minor students gathered in the Orthodox Parish Amersfoort to present one of their final 1st semester papers. The presentations were very informative and inspiring. In the evening Fr John Behr delivered a mind provoking lecture on the concept of the ‘church’ in early Christianity, comparing it […]

Ordination to the priesthood of Yonas Dessu


One of our Pre-Master students, Yonas Dessu, was elevated to the priesthood on October 2nd, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross in the Eritrean-Coptic Amanuel Church in Kristiansand, Norway. On this occasion, seven men were ordained by Bishop Paulos of the European Dioceese, led by His Holiness Patriarch Abune Qerlos I. Father Yonas […]

Educational programme 2022-2023

On September 5th we started our Pre-Master programme with a significant number of students. Registration for the academic year 2022-2023 is closed. On Saturday September 10th those interested in studying at St Irenaeus had the opportunity to get a taste of what our institute has on offer. Registration for the academic year 2023-2024 is open. More information is available […]