The Nicaean Creed in the tradition of the Church in East and West

Date: June 6th 2025, 2-5 PM
Location: Huize Heyendaal, Nijmegen
1,700 years ago, in the year 325, the historic First Council of Nicea took place. Roman emperor Constantine I convened bishops from near and far to reach consensus on crucial points of faith: on Christology, on the calculation of the date of Easter and the promulgation of canon law.
One of the monumental outcomes of this meeting was the Nicene Creed, a cornerstone of Christianity through the ages. There have also been later discussions about certain formulas in the text. Nevertheless, despite numerous translations and a journey through various cultural and linguistic contexts, a shared essence has been preserved within both the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches. How has this influenced the traditions within these two churches? And what does this shared text mean for ecumenism today?
Join us for an enlightening symposium on Friday 6 June 2025, where Prof John Behr (St Irenaeus Orthodox Theological Institute) and Prof Marcel Sarot (Faculty of Theology, Tilburg University) will take a deeper look at the Nicene Creed. They will explore not only the differences, but precisely also commonalities between Catholic and Eastern Christian dogmatic and liturgical traditions. The programme will be opened by Geert van Dartel (Council of Churches Netherlands) and the lectures and discussion will be moderated by Prof Alfons Brüning (Institute of Eastern Christianity).
Visit the website van of the Institute of Eastern Christian Studies for additional information and to download the programme.